Portstewart, Castlerock, & Down Hill

We returned to the homestead in Coleraine where William had prepared a succulent Sunday Dinner (apparently a tradition in their household).

Our last destination before returning to England was: Castlerock.

Isn't this a great picture? We are standing on the pier at Castlerock Beach. Danny captured the waves beautifully!

This is a view from the pier looking toward Castlerock town, which is lost in the glare. The structure you see on the point is called the Mussenden Temple. You'll see it closer up in just a bit.

Again, this view is from the pier, looking toward Portstewart in the distance. In the foreground is the mouth of the River Bann.

Here is our wonderful host family. Love that hat, Judy.

To get an idea of the size of the structure, that's Adam standing at the base on the rocks.

Here is the façade of the castle. It was really just an ordinary home (for the local bishop).

This is what the back door of the main house looks like from the second floor.

This doorway leads back out to the front of the castle.

Here is the Mussenden Temple as seen from the walkway from the main house.

At one time the temple served as a library. Now, for £3,000, you can have it opened for special celebrations, like weddings. It stands right on the cliff's edge.

We had a wonderful time with our Irish 'family.' And someday they'll come visit us, either in Cambridge or back in the States. (Won't they? Nudge, nudge.)
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