Henry Moore Foundation at Perry Green
Eleven of us (from the coffee morning group) took a trip to the village of Perry Green, home of the Henry Moore Foundation. Henry Moore was a famous English sculptor of the 20th century. His sculptures can be found all over the world. Here are pictures of several we saw on our trip.

See how rustic the interior looks?

Here is the first view of the grounds of Henry Moore's estate. Moore started here in a small cottage with his wife. As his fame increased, he bought more land and built more studios. The grounds now encompass 70 acres of land.

This is called Knife Edge Two Piece. The mirror-image of this can be found in Washington, DC.

Moore's signature can be found on many of the bronze sculptures.

This sculpture, called Locking Pieces, is not made of bronze, but fiberglass.

Here is a view of how many of the sculptures are placed on the grounds. The three here are: Goslar Warrior(front), Knife Edge(left back) and Three Piece Sculpture: Vertebrae(right back).

This is a close-up of Three Piece Sculpture: Vertebrae. You could see handprints (of the molders) on the bronze.

A sheep pasture actually contained several sculptures. This is called Oval with Points.

I loved this one, Sheep Piece.

If possible, click on this to enlarge it. It's called Large Reclining Figure and sits on top of a small hill in the pasture.

As Moore's fame rose, he had to build more and more studios, like the one pictured here.

The title of this piece is Large Spindle Piece.

Here is Draped Reclining Mother and Baby. Henry Moore built many sculptures of Mother and Child. We saw a marble Mother and Child at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Aisled Barn, pictured here contained enormous tapestries that Moore designed. They were incredible!

Here is Sqare Form with Cut. Another one of these is in Florence, Italy.

This bronze sculpture is the largest and weighs 21 tons. You can get an idea of its size by Beth, Aviva and Brigitte standing at it. It's called Large Figure in a Shelter.

I also liked Double Oval, pictured here.

Here was another huge bronze sculpture, entitled The Arch.

The last sculpture we saw was this, called Large Upright Internal/External Form (kind of a long name). Again, it was huge and had a lovely pond in back of it.

Here's a closer view of the 'interior' of the sculpture.
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