Cambridge Colleges Picturebook, VI: Wolfson, Clare Hall, Robinson

The three colleges on this blog are three of the youngest Cambridge University colleges.

Here's the front gate to Wolfson College, at which Danny is a visiting scholar. It took this name in 1965.

Even on a bleak March day (when this photo was taken), you can see the beginnings of spring flowers in the gardens.

The back gate to Wolfson is the one Danny used the most, as it is closer to our house.

Here is the Lee Library (on the first floor) and the computer room (on the ground floor).

Here's a view of the computer lab at Wolfson.

This is the Cafeteria. Formal Dinners are held in the banquet hall above.

Here's a nice room where scholars can sit and read a paper.

Every college has a Porter who knows EVERYTHING about the school. Three of Wolfson's porters are named David!

Here's where the Porter's Lodge is located, directly inside the main gate.

This picture is of the same tree as in the previous picture, but taken in May (the earlier one was taken in March). Quite a difference, huh?

As you can tell by the pictures, Wolfson's buildings are all quite modern.

Lee Hall is where concerts and receptions are held at Wolfson.
Clare Hall is the next college. This is where Debbie's friend Aviva lives. It is excusively a postgraduate college, and was formed in 1966.

Each school has its own crest. The teardrops on this crest signify that Clare was widowed three times.

This sculpture, called 'Flame', rests just outside Clare Hall's gate.

These are the 'dorms' for Clare Hall students. Several are large enough to house families.

This is more housing. Clare Hall offers more visiting fellowships than any other Cambridge University college.

Here is another building at Clare Hall. The grounds contain beautiful greenery.

This statue sits in one of the gardens.

The architecture of Clare Hall is certainly unique, as seen by this picture of a housing unit, designed by Ralph Erskine.
Robinson College is the newest of Cambridge University's 31 colleges, founded in 1977.

This is the main gate to Robinson College. The college lies across the street from Clare Hall.

Unlike most other Cambridge University colleges, Robinson has very little greenery on its campus.

Most of the Campus is paved in deep red brick. Youcan also see how modern the architecture is in these pictures.

Here is a picture of Robinson College's chapel from the outside. Just look at that window!

Here's that same window as seen from the inside of the chapel.

This shows a close-up of one of the panels.

In this view of the chapel, you can just make out the organ in the back.

Here is the college library, another very modern structure.
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